By sadf4x0r - 24/02/2010 17:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised my girlfriend is the perfect woman for most men. She only ever talks to me in the intermissions on Modern Warfare 2; shame it's not me playing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 662
You deserved it 6 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blaaaaakely 0

I'll just come out and say it: bieber sucks. no coughing needed


I have looked this guy up and still have no idea who Justin bieber is. lucky me?

Jaylishaaa 0

OMG!! that game is awesome!! my boyfriend plays while I talk to the people! lol

LOL, I like how you only like the game because you talk to people, not because you actually play. *shakes head*

F_I_D_O 0

Op your a ******* dick, just play with her.

dude, join in. sounds like you've got a perfect girl there, assuming she's not a land whale.

aha I'm too lazy to read the comments because I'm doing hw but anyways. my bf thinks it's sexy as hell that I play video games, and so do many men. but I also pay attention to my bf and I would turn off my system the second he says he wants to spend time with me. tell her that you're not just a sex toy and that you actually do care for her, and if she doesn't react, then break up with her.

today i realised i never learned how to spell realized. fml

#177 He's from the UK thats how they spell it there, and here too (Australia). It's just Americans that spell it with a 'z'.

kalel07 0

who the f**k is Justin watever n wats it gotta do wit the fml?? and what's ur Gf's gamertag or psn lol

@127 his voice dropping? how bout his balls dropping first