By Anonymous - 14/04/2018 15:00

Today, I realised yesterday was my 30th birthday. What made it worse is that my parents forgot, along with my other relatives and friends. No cards, no texts, no calls, no Facebook messages. Nothing. Happy 30th to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 641
You deserved it 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you mean, "Happy Belated 30th to me."? Because it seems you forgot about it too!

Obviously you forgot too. Why does it matter others did as well?


You are 30 stop expecting your parents to congratulate you on not dying for any other year. it's really not that hard by now.

Sorry to hear that. Happy 30th birthday from St. Louis!

Happy Belated Birthday!! Don't pay attention to all the negative comments.

You know what, It happened to me too the last time...