By FellingShitty - 05/10/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I realized I'm missing my diamond earrings. After ripping apart the vacuum bag and exhausting all other options I'm pretty sure my new cat ate them. I'm going to go sift through several days worth of cat shit now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 495
You deserved it 6 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'A diamond in the rough' doesn't even begin to cover this. And all those scene songs about diamonds and pussy now have context, don't they?

Why would a cat eat diamond earrings?? That does not make any sense, unless of course you starved and depraved your cat of food and water, and he thought to take vengeance :D I dont know I could be wrong


Punkguy39 0

wow your a dumbfuck. Oh yeah now im going to feed my cat some 50,000 dollar ear rings! learn to keep them out of reach for a cat dumbass

yeah, these cat FMLs always crack me up. You bought the nasty creature, now deal with the consequences!

kittyprincess319 0

A cat is not a "nasty creature." That's just pathetic to even think that.

stanzskin 0

Your choice of names, "Fellingshitty", was headed down the path to greatness, quite clever indeed. Sadly the cleverness was undone by poor speeling. (see what I did there?)

There are people in this world who can't afford to buy food for their children. **** your diamond earrings.

helen1988 0

She's supposed to feel bad because she can afford nice things? You're what's wrong with this world.

JukeboxBunny 0

yeah, and they could use the money you spent on the computer you're using, and the money you give your internet provider.

YDI, if you left them out, then it's your own damn fault! ALWAYS put your earrings away in some sort of earring holder or jewelry box. moms cat ate her engagement ring and lived...I hate you know it all idiots who are all omg this is fake because blah blah blah. your reasons usually suck and are wrong so stfu and gtfo already.

captainmaharet 1

Why are you buying nice things like this anyway, when you just end up losing them? YDI x10