By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 10:39 - Australia

By Anonymous - 20/09/2011 10:39 - Australia
By sosadbuttrue - 14/01/2012 13:15 - Switzerland
By hnickell93 - 10/12/2012 18:37 - United States - Visalia
By Anonymous - 20/04/2021 23:00
By Anonymous - 27/09/2020 08:03 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By CanWeAllGetOne - 13/11/2013 06:40 - United States - Houston
By biggieT - 14/06/2012 02:21 - Sri Lanka - Colombo
By Anonymous - 14/01/2018 06:00
By guess28 - 14/07/2009 18:19 - Puerto Rico
By Anonymous - 02/03/2024 14:00 - United States - Jacksonville
By Anonymous - 13/12/2009 05:19 - United States
Not really. Most orgasms are faked and are just as enjoyable as "real" ones anyhow. Once you are comfortable enough with your own body to fake an O, you can learn to fake squirting, which is even more fun.
(edit: this was put under the wrong comment)
Poostool, not only is your "name" disgusting.. But you apparently can't read.. OP said she was masturbating, and faked an ******... In other words, she was lying to herself because she couldn't get herself to climax..
I'm pretty sure that stool understood the fml and was trying to be funny. Damn that is sad that you faked an ****** on yourself. You must not be good if you can't even satisfy yourself.
Poostool, wouldn't fake squirting be like... Well... urinating on yourself? O.o
lol omg I've done that
Hey beachbum your pictures upside down
It's sad you can't even get yourself. Practice makes perfect, but if you can't get yourself there how can anyone else?
aww fake it till we make it!
I don't understand why so many people fake it. If the sex is bad don't let your partner *think* they're good. I've never faked an O in my life, I'd rather teach you to please me. You O fakers seem to be satisfied with crappy sex if you let your partner think they're doing a good job...
I'm with you on this 35, I'd much rather know when I'm doing something wrong so I can improve and my fiancée can enjoy the most awesome sex possible with me.
you fake it to boost their ego at first, and then they think they're good so then when you try to make them to do something you like they'll be confident and not think of it as a struggle. be like oh that feels good, but you know what feels the best... :) been there, done that ladies. try it out with your men
If you fake it, It's your own fault for having bad sex.
They dont need that kind of ego boost. Luckily for us women foreplay can feel very good well before the ******. As long as you know that you are feeling good they will be happy but determined to get you up to the ******. There is never a need to fake it may boost their ego for a while but what if you are someone who never reaches an ******? Eventually they will know and feel worse.
Lol this FML is almost like that joke where 'ultimate rejection' is when you're masturbating and your hand falls asleep.
someone who never reaches ******? your life is ******, not the OPs. maybe you should try harder
I'm fat
I'm fatter
im fattest
Um yr online too
I'm a pika-cat!
I'm stalking you.
Why would she get as its a female more like get some dick
Stfu nerd
ouch. Why do you feel the need to fake an ****** in any situation? There are lots of guys out there who will listen to what needs to be done to satisfy you. Good luck.
Agree with RPS. But keep in mind that those men can only listen if you speak up. Faking orgasms just makes things worse.
If she can't do it herself how does she expect her guy to do it?
and another thing, idk if anyone here has heard about mind orgasms, but "faking it" kinda puts you in that mindset and it turns you on more
When will girls understand that faking O's just dooms them.. Why not communicate and offer advice I would wanna know if I was performing bad..
I agree. As a woman, I find that faking only reinforces a guy to keep doing what he's doing because he thinks it gets you off. If you tell a guy what you like, he'll most likely do it. Sorry OP, but YDI.
Yeah, you're all of 16 years old, macho man. And by the looks of your comment, you're REEAAL slick with the ladies.
Look now he's trying to cover what he said
Just find urself a man or girl or both whatever makes u happy
At least your vibrator felt good a out itself.
Invest in a good vibrator? Then you'll be able to at least please yourself =3 Maybe watch some good ****, not that alien stuff on HBO and Skinemax, though.
#13. I literally fell off my seat laughing. well BBW is the closest to alien **** I've seen...
Awww, that's sad
That's sad :(
ouch. Why do you feel the need to fake an ****** in any situation? There are lots of guys out there who will listen to what needs to be done to satisfy you. Good luck.