By Jonas - 06/06/2012 05:00 - United States - Wimberley

Today, I realized my paranoia is really bad when I saw my coworker holding a knife and immediately began thinking of ways to keep him from stabbing me. I work in a restaurant kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 387
You deserved it 4 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your gut told you he's dangerous, your paranoia might actually be true. I feel like people's gut feeling is THE 6th sense an not listening will screw you over, especially of he minces onions angrily.


Who the fork said it was supposed to be knife?!

daydreamer244 13

Maybe it's time for a career change?

Lol I do that, with more than one thing. If I'm driving and someone is driving dangerously near me, I think of ways I can avoid being hit.

Happens to me after watching a marathon of csi, ncis, etc.

Lol. I walk in rooms and think of ways to stop any attacks. Or to kill them if I have to. I probably play too many video games.Don't go all Rambo on them k tiger. Stop playing mw3. k crazy. lol Jk.

I think yours is pretty normal. I mean, I cannot sleep without holding something sharp underneath my pillow and checking the locks at least 5 times. I momentarily panic when going up and down the stairs. I try to avoid being in public places. My paranoia pretty much ***** up my entire life