By Jonas - 06/06/2012 05:00 - United States - Wimberley

Today, I realized my paranoia is really bad when I saw my coworker holding a knife and immediately began thinking of ways to keep him from stabbing me. I work in a restaurant kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 387
You deserved it 4 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your gut told you he's dangerous, your paranoia might actually be true. I feel like people's gut feeling is THE 6th sense an not listening will screw you over, especially of he minces onions angrily.


Wow, the majority ( if not all ) the comments here are propably going to increase OP's paranoia. Don't worry OP, FML people are just messing with you...Or, maybe they are NOT!

perdix 29

You're not paranoid, you're realistic. You always have to prepare to avoid being stabbed. Don't bend over in front of your co-worker, he might fork you!

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!

just keep some type of towel or cloth handy. that way, IF he does come at u, u can use it to defend yourself! theres nothing wrong with YOUR paranoia, u wont be a stab victim atleast. now, if u had a tin-foil helmet on and said u were worried the aliens could see ur thoughts, then I would worry if I were you :)

Pilkipedia 8

That's not a knife, this is a KNIFE...(Australian accent)

Nothing wrong with that. You never know.

It's always good to be prepared, as many people have said above - if you're on edge, you have a quicker reflex response if something happens. Who knows- it might just save your life! :P However, if it's bothering you to feel this way, or interfering with your daily life (friends, school, work, hygiene, etc) then you should consider seeing a psychiatrist, or another psycho-therapy type doctor that costs less (or is covered by your insurance plan). :) --> Also, if you're worried about having to take medication or anything because of this, just know that there are many other options available to help (natural supplements, talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT, and many others).

I do that all the time. Just wait. Itll come in handy when somebody actually tries to stab you.