By stoggie96 - 22/04/2012 15:34 - United States - Wooster

Today, I realized that both my husband and son refer to me as "the bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 562
You deserved it 29 123

Same thing different taste


baileygirl88 8

Why are there soo many mean comments on here assuming OP is actually a bitch? No comments on how her husband is possibly a douche bag with an idiot son?? Don't worry OP, I'm on your side.

I was thinking the same, No. 193. One of my friends put up with this from her husband and son but here is why they were mad at her: 1. she asked them to pick up after themselves instead of leaving their crap lying all over the house (they thought if she wanted their shoes off the floor and their coats hung up then she should just do it herself) 2. she cooked healthy, wholesome meals instead of getting the take-out junk food they wanted 3. she asked them to stop peeing on the floor and the toilet seat and if they did, to clean their own piss up (according to them this was HER job) Essentially she got called a bitch for asking them to stop treating her like a servant.

bizarre_ftw 21

the phrase "take a hint" comes to mind as does the suggestion to sit them down and ask them nicely why or potentially get a little family counseling to clear the air with an impartial mediator or you could assume they're crazy, continue doing what you're doing, and think you're totally faultless, probably your first choice huh? though either way their reaction was passive aggressive and ass-ish, so sorry for that :/

davek 36

Get back in the kitchen and make them each a goddamn sammich?

So when they ask you for something do they say bitch please?

Tell husband to take the son and GTFO since neither can respect you.

As do the rest of us reading about it...Bitch!

butterflyz1961 2

I would kick my son's ass and dump my husband.

1. Call them ******** and lil ********(if you feel like stooping to their level) 2. Go on strike until they realize that they can't call you a bitch and expect to have a comfy living environment(those clothes and dishes will get awfully grungy)

Only women clean clothes and dishes.

get rid of the husband punish the son

kayla_ann0o 9

She could just call them " the dick squad"