By stoggie96 - 22/04/2012 15:34 - United States - Wooster

Today, I realized that both my husband and son refer to me as "the bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 562
You deserved it 29 123

Same thing different taste


Yes, clearly she must actually be a bitch, because as we all know, every name we are called is completely true. FYL, your husband and son sound like assholes.

hateevryone 14

Honey you need to fix that problem.

AhhItsStefany 3

Intriguing. I call that b- my mom... Something almost exactly (exactly) the same. Though... I have reason... Do they?

There's probably a good reason for that

There may be a reason for that. You may want to do a little self examination

I like your new edited picture noor. It's cool looking.

Matty1188 6

Son learned from his dad. Sorry OP. Maybe it's time for some counselling.