By stoggie96 - 22/04/2012 15:34 - United States - Wooster

Today, I realized that both my husband and son refer to me as "the bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 562
You deserved it 29 123

Same thing different taste


I have my moms ringtone set as "the bitch is calling" she bought me the ringtone on purpose :/

Probably because you are... Make everybody happier and be nice

Maybe you shouldn't be such a bitch then. Try being nice, it may get you somewhere. Be glad your not divorced, I would have left your ass already

smydiwannafthata 5

Just tell your son that if you are a bitch that makes him son of a bitch. He will not call you a bitch ever again.

tomtato 10

so you son can't be insulted if his friends call him son of a bxxxx?

kendra_baby1 0

My mom and well everyone in my family refer to me as that but all I can say is I AM THE BADDEST

xknightlightx 2

Your husband has probably cheated on you by now.. U're going to have to check so you dont waste your time.. Of course be ready fot the divorce unless you cant-.- just by calling you a bitch, it is likely he sees someone else as the special chick