By glitterzebra - 09/10/2011 08:30 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 16/11/2014 01:22 - United States - Mexico
By Anonymous - 12/11/2009 11:17 - Australia
By ToddesPizza - 20/08/2015 01:00 - United States - Coos Bay
By lonely. - 15/08/2012 16:46 - United States - Buffalo
By bigmistake - 24/12/2011 03:22 - United States
Tree trunks
By AloneAtPerkins - 18/11/2020 13:02 - United States - West Bend
By Anonymous - 20/05/2010 11:04 - Canada
By cogu - 03/02/2010 19:34 - France
By Taylor - 15/07/2012 14:42 - United States - Eastchester
Fuzzy logic
By It’s just peach fuzz on my cheeks, but still - 07/09/2024 18:00 - United States - New York
Top comments
that's a hairy situation
That failed
your mom failed at giving birth
Thatsa scary situation...
Nalia's picture doesn't turn you on..? Hmmm... There might be something wrong with me...
Ewwww shave that shit
Grab LiveLaughFML and tell her stop!
5,10 you guys fail, but I don't because I am a winner! (waiting for the thumbs down).
38 - Your picture might bethe herald of the apocalypse.
Aters gonna hat?
5 - your comment also works for your pic, just saying as it made me smile. 10 - I Could say so did yours, but that would merely be encouraging a pathetic situation. Please get some help, you seem to be clinically socially awkward. 38 - see my response to 5 and replace smile with shudder 46 - .... nice :) 129 - my head automatically added the h and the e so thank for typing that, it made me giggle ^_^ 134 - thank you ever so much for pointing out the painfully obvious in the form of a facepalm worthy question alright then, this overly long respond to all is officially over. For now anyway. Beware ^_^ and thumb up for something of equal value to the points on who's line
As did everybody else, #158.
I feel like this fml is from 30 Rock...
OP, Do you make it a bonding activity when you meet new guys that you shave your legs together?
It's a little thing called a razor.
That's what she said
I don't think that is what she said.
And apparently retarded minds think alike as well.
The fact that you don't take care of your self is soo attractive.. I'm surprised more guys don't go for women like you! Lol
It'll give him good traction
there's such thing as a calendar. and time. get your head out of your ass.
there's such thing as a calendar. and time. get your head out of your ass.
Lonely Forever...
I was wondering that also
It's supposed to be the forever lonely smiley face.
Tha--nk you for saying that.
You are hot.
Because one day, the price of razors will skyrocket.
Invest in YOUR MOM
Maybe your chances would improve if you shaved...
So you don't shave your legs because you don't have a boyfriend? I shave my face and I dot have a gf

that's a hairy situation
how could you go that long without shaving....