By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 19:51 - Estonia

Today, I realized that not only did my parents not get me anything for Christmas, they also stole the $500 my grandparents gave me to buy a computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 113
You deserved it 2 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@ #9-Parents are obligated to feed their children and provide a roof over their heads. It does not justify stealing. It's too bad Santa couldn't bring OP a new family for Christmas.


They are just frustrated that your grandparents circumvented them instead of passing the money down through the hierarchy.

Once you are old enough, GTFO*! Don't kid yourself. It won't get better. Your parents are ***** losers. *Get The F*** Out

Really? I thought it meant Go Terrorize Feeble Orphans. My bad.

Oh, shit. I'm over here trying to pronounce it while screaming. GAH-TUH-FOH!!

deafeningsilence 8

*Insert stereotypical comment here about Americans and suing here*

actually, until your 18, your parents have the right to do whatever with any money or things that you get. so it's legal, but still pretty ****** up.

Well.. somehow you used a computer to submit this, so.. I see no problem!

What's to say OP didn't already have a computer previous to the parent's purchase?

Or a friend who owns a computer, iPod, or phone?

Y'all don't understand what I was trying to say.. I was joking..

Ieatpeople17 0

@#25 well its not a funny "joke" no one sees humor in ur statement

hcovballer247 0

Maybe they're struggling with the economy and need the money.