By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 19:51 - Estonia
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 28/12/2015 23:26 - United States
By andrie09 - 07/07/2009 22:18 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/05/2011 11:40 - Canada
By Flandre - 23/12/2018 11:55
By dude, where's my balls? :( - 22/12/2012 20:25 - United States - Anchorage
By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States
By skiergal98 - 18/08/2019 02:00
By BenjiFurImmer - 12/06/2019 00:07
By gonebabygone - 27/08/2009 06:58 - United States
By anonymous - 17/12/2013 05:02 - United States - Minneapolis
Top comments
They are just frustrated that your grandparents circumvented them instead of passing the money down through the hierarchy.
Once you are old enough, GTFO*! Don't kid yourself. It won't get better. Your parents are ***** losers. *Get The F*** Out
Really? I thought it meant Go Terrorize Feeble Orphans. My bad.
Oh, shit. I'm over here trying to pronounce it while screaming. GAH-TUH-FOH!!
Sue them.
actually, until your 18, your parents have the right to do whatever with any money or things that you get. so it's legal, but still pretty ****** up.
Well.. somehow you used a computer to submit this, so.. I see no problem!
What's to say OP didn't already have a computer previous to the parent's purchase?
Or a phone or ipod or public computer.
Or a friend who owns a computer, iPod, or phone?
Y'all don't understand what I was trying to say.. I was joking..
@#25 well its not a funny "joke" no one sees humor in ur statement
irv päris hea
@ #9-Parents are obligated to feed their children and provide a roof over their heads. It does not justify stealing. It's too bad Santa couldn't bring OP a new family for Christmas.
sounds like my family