By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 19:51 - Estonia

Today, I realized that not only did my parents not get me anything for Christmas, they also stole the $500 my grandparents gave me to buy a computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 113
You deserved it 2 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@ #9-Parents are obligated to feed their children and provide a roof over their heads. It does not justify stealing. It's too bad Santa couldn't bring OP a new family for Christmas.


hcovballer247 0

Stop being a selfish little bastard

Dude. I don't know what kind of ******-up alternate crack reality you come from, but You. Don't. Steal. Other. People's. Presents. I'm pretty sure you're not Reverse Santa, so you have no excuse for saying that. I bet that $500 would be spent on some useless, ephemeral crap. A good computer (and I think $500 would buy a good computer if you shopped smart) would be incredibly useful.

Yes, I'm sure in your little fantasy world you would have beaten your parents. Then they would have turned you into the police for assault and then disowned you, all over $500. Right.

38- You never know. There are plenty of cases where kids killed their parents over stupid reasons.

NinjaCookie 0

wooooow.. if the computers not for you.. pee on it.

You should talk to your parents. The options are they are selfish people who don't care about you or they are having serious financial difficulties. If you are like some spoiled people I know, even if your parents explained they needed the money to keep their home, you would still define it as "stealing". If your parents are like some people I know, they figured you owed them that money and are planning a vacation without you. It could easily go either way so just talk to them.

chris20576 2

Your parents are ****** up for doing that thats messed up

prontopup20 0

do what every loan shark does, break bones for money

Yeah! Slow that shit down! Or did he mean BREAK it...

I suppose either would work. A computer loaded with malware will go slow and make them mad.

Did they steal the money and buy a computer, or was the money given to you so you could buy one for yourself? Either way your parents are jerks.

I'm pretty sure that OP's grandparents gave her $500, and her parents stole it to buy a computer. Otherwise, her grandparents would have just bought her a computer.