By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, I realized that the guy I've been sending anonymous, dirty emails to knows who I am. My signature, which includes my full name, was automatically added to the end of every email. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 604
You deserved it 82 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourskittle95 5

sorry op but you totally deserved it.

vivsss 11

why were you sending dirty emails anyway?


wow op ydi no offense but that was really dumb

Lol! You shouldn't expect too much sympathy. First of all, it was a dumb idea to send dirty emails. Why...just why? And second, how could you not notice your signature??? Isn't it automatically added EVERY TIME you send an email? Finally, why the frickin hell would you put your full name in your signature? Come on, at least have a little bit of creativity.

Petunia888 13

That's better than finding a leech on your love spuds.

androiddestroya 7
free2speak 14

this kid probably also thinks that "byte" is something you do to a sandwich.

elizabeth9m 4

lol sorry but u should've checked....ummm maybe u should start sending dirty texts instead and check your signature!

slimjim8094 12

Signatures are one thing, but even without them he can almost certainly find you. It is certainly possible, but quite difficult, to be anonymous online properly. Given that you're too stupid to read the email you're sending (with appended signature), I'd reckon you don't have the faintest idea what I'm even talking about though...

blacksswan 10

Care to explain slim Jim? because I think toward the end you didn't even know what you were saying.

If you're going to attack someone's intelligence, even if they deserve it, you might want to make sure your grammar is correct. You forgot the basic of capitalizing the first letter of the sentence, failed to add a comma after the word 'right,' and you used the incorrect form of the word 'your'.

TinyGirl95 5

HAHAHAHAHAHA....I'm sorry but seriously? Why in the world are you sending dirty emails? C'mon. That's sooooooo mature. The least you could do is proof-read it.