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By oliveoyl - 23/07/2011 04:05 - United States

Today, my husband, who is in the Navy, had a couple of his sailor friends over to hang out. The stereotype about their swearing is true. My two year old now won't stop saying "Fuck." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 688
You deserved it 5 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you tell them to stop swearing in front of your kid? why wouldn't you take your kid in a different room?


Did you tell them to stop swearing in front of your kid? why wouldn't you take your kid in a different room?

well, maybe OP wasn't psychic and after they said it once, the kid picked it up?

I never said op was psychic. What I am saying is if Op kept hearing them swear she should have either told them to stop or brought her son into a different room

You are right thought bout the kid picking it up after hearing it once. Children can pick vocabulary up very quickly

Children pick things up very fast my aunt told my uncle to get his shit out of the way that's all I said for a week when something/one was in my way. As for taking them to another room, maybe they were eating supper and that wasn't an option or they were being so loud and said it so often it wouldn't have mattered if they were in a different room

Children pick things up very fast my aunt told my uncle to get his shit out of the way that's all I said for a week when something/one was in my way. As for taking them to another room, maybe they were eating supper and that wasn't an option or they were being so loud and said it so often it wouldn't have mattered if they were in a different room

You're right. it could have been a situation where that was not an option. It was just an idea

Working in a pre-school I know this is true, I'm lucky I haven't accidentally said a bad word when they've heard it! I usually try to swallow the bad words trying to come out when I hurt myself on something..

I promise I'm not saying anything is wrong with the comments, or commenters. I just feel like I'm reading a parenting magazine entry. I love it!

**** ya go navy teach the kid some new words

Thunderbender 2

Awww he's destined to be a Navy man. :)

Slythrr 0

nice job being a mother and not able to shut your two year old stop cussing. doing a great job as a parent smh

Ehhhh, this isn't that bad, but you have got to get your ******* kid to ******* stop with ******* saying **** god-*******-damnit...! :D no offense to the ******* mom.

91 are you actually a SEAL? How was training? I'm thinking bout signing up.

Hopefully that's the only Navy stereotype put to rest amongst your husband and his sailor buddies

I'm frankly offended that she thinks this confirms a stereotype, that's like me saying "oh black people only like fried chicken and watermelon because I saw some eating that one day" I'd say something more, but it would offend tons of people, like I'm offended by this post. I'm in the Navy and I don't swear particularly that much, and I don't know too many guys I work with who do. The Navy is a professional environment, and what people say when they are on leave does NOT reflect on the entire Fleet. My two cents.

And as for all the stereotypical "gay" comments, grow the **** up. I enjoy slaying poon on the regular, not some dude's ass.

idspud 3

yea I'm an engineman in the navy and I don't swear and I'm definantly not gay

idspud 3

yea I'm an engineman in the navy and I don't swear and I'm definantly not gay

iPoopMusic 0

Man, if you guys were in the navy, why are whining like little bitches?

73- Were? Try am. It's the Internet so there's no use arguing but I can tell that you will NEVER have what it takes to defend this great country.

a country built on hate, betrayl, threats, and lies. yes. what an honor it is to protect this "great" country of ours.

NastyNinja31 0
hollowgirl6 0

I thought this was going somewhere else. Buttpirates. cough cough

DKjazz 20

watch how the dad will blame u later for it..... well hope he stops

kingtz 6

Aww... I think that is actually kinda cute!

Don't be so ******* sensitive, OP. Let the ******* child ******* swear if he wants to, for ****'s sake.

where do you get the swearing inspiration from?

el_paso_guy89 0

what the ****?! can't you ******* take your swearing somewhere else? ****... •_•

codybookmiller 0

What tha **** happened to your face man

Casuality 6

Maybe he'll grow up to be a sailor. Like his daddy. :)

If anyone asks, you can tell them he is actually saying 'duck' and yell at them for having a twisted mind. ;)

That's actually genius... I might have to try that one day in school... Haha

iChel413 6

lol I wouldn't think of that.

I knew a little kid who had trouble saying the letter L in words so every time he tried to say clock he would say **** nice and loud.

I've known several little kids that if they tried to say sit, they would accidentally say shit.