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By jab43 - 23/07/2011 00:57 - United States

Today, after returning home from a camping trip, I found a leech on my love spuds. I ended up having to call my dad in to help me get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 070
You deserved it 5 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments


NzaHaFML 13

it sucked that much, you had to call ur dad? -Pun intended

Idonebeenhad 17

ydi for calling them love spuds

flockz 19

the leech really had to grow a pair to go after the love spuds.

sourskittle95 5

I can't even imagine how awkward that would be...

UN1T3D 6

that SUCKS. I bet your dad BLEW up with laughter after he saw it.

Andrew1122 0
Jay1D 0

I assuming they're testicles.

flockz 19

no they're mister and mrs. potato head durrrr

Boygenius50 8
juicedboi 7

You call transvestite hookers "leeches"? I bet there was so much sucking going on that it took a while for your dad to pull it off your "love spuds".

YourEvilHero 12

would have sucked even more if you got a boner

0utlawed 0

got the love spuds, in the love shack! baby love shack!

And that's why children, you where bathing suits while swimming.

Yes I realized my mistake, and yes I corrected it. No need to correct it again.

If you payed any attention to time, then you would realize they where posted within a minute of each other.

n_epic_fail 14

"love spuds??" this is the first and god willing the last I ever here that used by a man. >.< lmao FYL

cc_the_beast 6

Eh, its good father-son bonding! I've had to dig a tick out of my boyfriends balls while camping. we've never been closer :-3

at least it wasn't your mom that had to do it

monarchy123 1

And the fact you have to burn off leeches

oreobunbun 3

at least it didn't get your love carrot.

free2speak 14

I'm guessing love spuds refer to OP's balls from analyzing all the "blows"/"sucks" puns. I can't see the gender of OP on my iPhone so can anyone confirm?

skizzlerz 0

Bahaha that was my first thought too. "Love spuds" term ever XD

androiddestroya 7
davidisbeast 12

ok so is that a reference to breasts? :O

AsianCookie247 14

I thought the same thing! lol

sorryforyou 0

OP, next time that happens, just use salt. easiest way to get rid of them. damn aquatic mosquitos.

I can picture the leech's reaction when it realized it wasn't sucking blood

cut your balls off. then it will never happen again lol....

you're not meant to pull leeches off it's much safer to leave them on

Sunny_Eclipse 6

5-get a new profile picture, your is annoying. middle finger and a smile, classy.

That's not being mean, it's being honest. Those types of pictures are really stupid.

maddie- because everyone wants to see just one eye and your chin. grow up

superguavafruit 0

Are you here to look at people's pictures?

Lol aww the leech wanted to stat with you :( you're so mean!

at least you don't have to worry about blueballs anytime soon xP

Sweej 1

Why would you call your dad? .... and what did he do that you couldn't?