By Henry - 06/02/2010 03:19 - United States

Today, I realized that the only food I have is four months' worth of nutrisystem food from when my parents went on the nutrisystem diet. I am not able to secure a job and buy my own food, so I have two choices: die of starvation or die of nasty nutrisystem food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 412
You deserved it 8 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

newsgit 0

Two things: Get a Job: Get a job? You're telling him to get a job? NO ONE is hiring. No, not even McDonalds. Not even Walmart. Getting any job is not an easy thing to do. It also says in the OP that he "is not able to secure a job, meaning he tried and is probably trying. Read, motherfuckers. At least you have food: I HATE this card. When people say "be thankful for what you have, people in [insert 3rd world country] have it worse!" it just pissed me off. With that mindset, NO problem is big enough. Allow me to demonstrate Not a lot of food? Could be in Africa. In Africa? Could be dead. Got a sprained wrist? Could be a broken arm. Broken arm? Could be in a body cast. Body Cast? Could be in Africa. Yes, people are allowed to whine about their problems. They are problems. yes, some people have no shelter, and they should be helped, but someone whose got a problem such as eating nutrisystem for four months ahould be allowed to complain. It's not like you would take his place.

boatkicker 4

There isn't a person in the US who doesn't have access to the internet. Why? Because there are libraries with computers and internet all over the country. Having access to the internet doesn't mean that you can't complain about something.


likeomgwhat 0

beggers cant be choicers... be thankful that you have any food at all asswipe...

sallybobally 0

wait, everyone calling nutrisystem perfectly edible...seriously? and havent the people in the 3rd world suffered enough without saying they'd eat that garbage? they're people , for crying out loud, not Osmonds!

Doesn't matter, somethings are worst than nutrisystem. But however, what's the point of paying for internet while you running out of money ?

boatkicker 4

Who says they're paying for it? Almost all libraries have internet access for free.

orin69 0

be thankful u have food. many people don't. stop whinning

losette 0

I thought it was funny that there was a nutrisystem ad at the top of the page :) And OP, don't worry. People in Africa are being told to shut up and eat their zebra cause the people in North America don't get zebra. ;)


go dumpstering. You dont have to buy food!

Hah. My mom was awful at staying on a diet, so we have a cupboard full of Nutrisystem. It's not SO bad, and imagine all the protein you'll be getting! (:

u should get off the computer or at least use it to get a job. times are tough but really I'm 13 and I have a better job than u. FYL

like what bagging groceries and you get what $3 dollars an hour or so you shovel snow and cut grass because that's not a job it's a chore