By anonymous - 15/08/2016 03:35 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I received a birthday card from my dad, over a week late. It was addressed to me using my maiden name, the enclosed check also made out to me using my maiden name. I've been married for over 10 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 239
You deserved it 1 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A) at least he sent you one; B) your maiden name is likely his last name and that probably means a lot to him; C) at least you have a dad. D) all of that is bullshit reasoning and really that's kind of shitty of him.

PBplusJ 12

Create a fake identity in your maiden name in order to receive this money


I vote for dementia. Because your dad was trying to be nice. Except he remembered best things from past.

at least he sent you one! happy birthday OP

Could be a sign he is getting Alzheimer's. My dad seemed to forget a lot of important things to me and at first I thought he did not care. I have begun to realize he just can not remember things so well anymore. Maybe you should call him and ask about it. He could be being petty, I do not know your life, just speaking from my experience.

How old is your father? This sounds like an alzheimer's symptom to me. That is unless he is really passive aggressive.

he probably just thinks you have an identity apart from the marriage. Changing the name really makes no sense

Maybe he doesn't think you should be your husband's property.