By CrappyCar - 14/05/2013 05:29 - United States
Same thing different taste
By ohemgee - 11/03/2010 03:03 - United States
By drixxy - 29/08/2012 15:01 - United States - Irvine
By jonhapimp - 21/08/2009 20:44 - United States
By homeless - 14/12/2010 18:41 - United States
By Lisa - 04/11/2010 14:42 - United States
Baby you can't drive your car
By mustanggt - 15/07/2023 03:00 - United States
By truth - 10/02/2012 01:49 - United States
By Roxas - 14/02/2011 05:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/12/2020 06:57 - United Kingdom - Boston
Repo Man
By Anonymous - 15/01/2022 11:01 - United States - Moore
Top comments
Time to start maintaining it!
or cover it!!
Tell them it's not abandoned! Or move it somewhere else
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayI don't know where you all are from but this FML just says from the "United States". The United states is composed of 50 states which hold countless counties and cities. I am sure that you three don't know every law and so cannot definitely say that this is against the law. In my small county the ordinance defines an "abandoned" vehicle and any vehicle that is inoperable OR one that has set for longer than 48 hours. It makes no mention of valid plates, or were it is parked. Yea, they can have a running vehicle towed off your own land. It is selectively enforced. We are trying to get it changed. Also, most states allow agents of the state to go on private property to serve papers and other official business. This would not be trespassing in Kentucky.
39, beautifully said. I don't know very much law, especially not concerning property since I'm not yet a home owner, but it bothers me a bit when commenters get into arguments about law where they're possibly both or neither right.
Where I live, if it's on your property they can't say shit unless several complaints arise. After they will ASK you to do something with the vehicle. My dad worked nights so his car sat on the street all day, they gave us no warning and tried to tow it since it was on a public street. After explaining the car was not inoperable and was moved everyday did they put it down... After charging us over 100 dollars. We keep everything in our driveway now.
Probably because it looks like horsecrap. take it to the auto shop or something dude.
Not everyone can afford that.
I agree with 16 and 28, not everyone can call daddy and have him "get the car fixed".
Just tell them it's yours
Call and say its not abandoned, it's your car.
Maybe you need to improve your parking skills
If it's a Ford, let them take it.
Do you know why the makers put "Ford" inside the blue circle for their symbol?
.... So that people know what brand it is? Don't leave us hanging!
Nope. Because "Piece of Shit" wouldn't fit.
42, the original joke was that it circled the problem, not that something else wouldn't fit. That was just terrible.
I don't think Ford cars are that bad. My father had a 1990 Ford Escort for many years and it was a great car, very well built. Actually, he also worked at Ford, and he still says that the best car he has ever driven was a Ford Landau.
Landau is the half vinyl top. Not the model of the car.
that doesnt work, loads of car companies have a circle round there badge
I don't know, I had a Ford explorer and pretty soon it earned the Ford Exploder name
Actualky, there was a Ford Landau here in Brazil. It used the Ford Galaxie chassis, and it was one of the most luxurious cars ever made in my country.

As long as you have valid license plates on it, they can't say it's abandoned.
Time to start maintaining it!