By Lucky - 21/06/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, I received a phone call from a cruise line I had travelled on with my parents a year ago. After being told I had won a free $2,000 cruise from a sweepstakes I'd entered while on the cruise. After celebrating loudly they informed me that you have to be 23 or older to collect it. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 183
You deserved it 6 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cinnabar 0

Can someone else collect it for you?

NGM_47 0

Well how'd you enter in the first place?....this is very suspicious!! If it is true then your parents should be able to collect it for you, maybe.


augustdanielle 0

Ah dude,that blowss D: get your parents to collect it ?

Have your parents accept it. I personally think it's ageist bullshit to deny you something that you won, but that's just me.

cant your parents get it for you?? & shouldnt you have known the rules before you entered it??

stringoffail 0

It's okay, it's a scam. You didn't actually win it. They're trying to sell you something. If you were 23, you still would have to jump through a lot of hoops and still might never get that cruise. Also, if you don't remember entering a contest, another good idea that you didn't really win anything other than 4 hours with a push time-share salesman.

mndz_mkl 0

Your squeaky voice must have made them re-tell you the age qualifications. lol

Turnip_Girl 0

So they let you enter a competition you were too young to win? FYL.

That happened to me! When I entered, they said my parents could pick it up for me, but when I actually won they claimed they never said it and gave it to somebody else. That sucks for you.

xnj319 2

After you learn to read the fine print.