By Lucky - 21/06/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, I received a phone call from a cruise line I had travelled on with my parents a year ago. After being told I had won a free $2,000 cruise from a sweepstakes I'd entered while on the cruise. After celebrating loudly they informed me that you have to be 23 or older to collect it. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 183
You deserved it 6 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cinnabar 0

Can someone else collect it for you?

NGM_47 0

Well how'd you enter in the first place?....this is very suspicious!! If it is true then your parents should be able to collect it for you, maybe.


snoopy24_fml 0

this suckssss...but ya, under 18-ers usually can't do much of anything.

cheerloveexx3 0

thats so stupid, just get your parents to collect it for you...

flex_able 0

the cruise winning was prob a scam, good thing you are too young or you would have fell for it

deaditegirl 0

You're under 18. In what world did you think you could legally win anything? YDI for not knowing that.

The real FML is that you went decided to come to this website instead of getting your parents to claim the prize for you.

I think she means that you have to be 23 to go on the actual cruise... not just to collect it my opionion but it makes sence that u would be to young to go on the cruise

3 seconds of your life wasted? As if your time was really that precious...

Topguy 0

that's dumb!! stupid cruiseline

sassyfrass 0

Scam. I got the same call. They want you to spend 4 hours at a seminar and want you to pay huge amounts of cash to get that cruise, which you may or may not get in the end. Wise up chica. If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.