By Jayde - 04/02/2012 05:12 - United States

Today, I received a single, hand-made Valentine's card from the weirdest kid in the school. It said, "If you ever get mauled by a bear, I hope he doesn't damage your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 241
You deserved it 5 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, feel special. At least someone likes you.


styroman 5

That's the nerd thing to say to a cute girl! The line's supposed to be "If you ever get attacked by a bear with chainsaws for hands... I hope he doesn't damage your face. Because I think you're kind of cute"

that's not original, he changed an Internet thing, the original one goes "if you ever get mauled by a bear with chainsaws for arms, I hope he doesn't get your face, because I think you're kinda cute"

That's sweet in an odd way. He probably meant it as a joke :).

In a very strange sort of way, that's kind of cute.

haruhiotakufan16 7

No one else is realizing that the idea comes from a popular Internet photo??

I think he's trying to say that you're pretty....

First, I'm pretty sure he was joking... Second, you must be a pretty superficial and judgmental person to just brand someone as "the weirdeest kid in school."