By AlyssaBC - 06/03/2010 07:28 - United States

Today, I received an e-mail from the Unemployment Department saying they had a job referral for me. After excitedly reading the description, I realised it was the job I'd just been fired from (at a much higher pay). If I don't go through the application process, I will be denied my unemployment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 717
You deserved it 2 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Can you tell someone at the unemployment office and just explain the situation for them? Otherwise, just go to the job interview. So what. They won't hire you anyway since you were fired and you jump through a hoop or two and then you can have all the free money you want.


complain. they will probably change it.

how do you get unemployment if you have been fired???? my friend has been unemployed for months since he got fired and they wouldn't accept unemployment because he had been fired not laid off

jenn6757 0

you can still file even if you got fired. it happen to me awhile back and I was approved. the referral you got I would ignore, they won't follow up on it, just keep job searching --between jobs

Parabolar 1

Big deal. Get off your lazy ass and apply. Or would you rather lose you're unemployment?

rennobeinna 0
ozymandias_fml 0

Cry me a river. So you have to apply for an occasional job in order to keep sucking at the government teat.

ozymandias_fml 0

What do you think unemployment is? If you are unemployment long enough to be required to apply for a job or lose benefits you have sucked at the federal teat too long, and are a bum. Even in this economy it is not that hard to get a job.

YDI because you have been unemployed for long enough, and nothing beats a guilt trip to the employer who fired you and is going to hire for more pay. YDI if you got fired because of your behalf.

ozymandias_fml 0

You cannot legally be on unemployment if you were fired for cause.

youthink_fml 0

This isn't a FML. Apply. You have nothing to lose. You just sound like a lazy **** (which is probably why you were fired) that doesn't want to prove she's looking for work.

MissIssaSouth 0

and this is a FML whyyyy?! like umm....are you retarded?! its the same job you just had (so you already know what to do and can do it better this time so you DONT get fired) and you make more money then you did before. i dont see the problem there...all i see is a lazy ass who just wants free money from their friends and all other tax payers

_awwhellnaw_ 45

like, ummm... they have to apply to the place they got fired from for the same job they did which would be super awkward and if they don't apply they won't get any assistance for being unemployed. you don't consider this an fml whyyyyyy?!

ksas4you 0

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