By thismakesmesad - 07/09/2011 16:16 - United States

Today, I received an email from my boyfriend. It contained a link to a site that was titled "How to Give Head". It also said "Have a nice day!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 438
You deserved it 7 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

laideehawk 6

Next time you go down on him, tell him you hope you're doing it right as the guy in the video had a much larger penis.


runae21 0

hope u read the site, sounds like u need some improvment

bs_101 6

seems like somebody aint doing something right...

I think that he's trying to tell you something

Nothing wrong with a little educational reading. He just wanted to give you a heads up

Jonman503 0

well i hope you learned your lesson. and that next time you'll be better at oral

I still think the fella' should have communicated orally. Maybe he's just not that cunning a linguist?

The dude should tell her, in a nice way, what he likes and what to do during... No FML required.

hunnibunnz 13

at least he told you and wants to help you rather than to have just broken up with you like a totally vapid guy would do.