By meesh22 - 06/10/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, I received an email from my professor informing me that if I missed another class, I'd be dropped from the course. I have field experience to complete tomorrow as part of my major. I emailed her two weeks ago to let her know, and we're excused by the dean. She doesn't care. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 089
You deserved it 7 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've encountered similar situations before. Your professor can't drop you from the class, or penalize your grade, for an excused absence. Speak with someone higher up, such as the Dean. Professors can't rewrite the rules.

Your professor will care when you bring it to the dean's attention that a professor is going against him/her. The professor has the right to do what they want especially if it's stated in the syllabus but if you have permission from the dean...dean trumps professor.


fcukthiscrap 0

report the bitch. get her fired!

FlaminYawn 0

People, she's "completing her field experience tomorrow", that explains her multiple absences, she's been working on THAT. It's not a one day project. No one makes the "Professor's List" for grades, they make the "Dean's List". Dean trumps Professor, you're excused, so this isn't an FML, it's just a circumstance that'll get fixed soon in your favor...

No, it explains her upcoming absence. Think harder.

piles_of_fail 0

you fail. "e-mailed two weeks ago". Learn to read.

Stupid bitch. Yes... you can report that psycho.

Nah, sounds like a college student thats bitching from missing one too many classes. Most students are allowed to miss one to two classes, if they miss more then they usually get penalized. The fact that she's missed so many to get the professor's attention enough to email and to ignore a dean excused absence means the student must've ****** up big time. YDI. You're paying for the classes you should at least attend them.

Guys if you rephrase the whole FML it could go like this: ''Two weeks ago, I e-mailed my professor about a field experience that would make me miss classes, and that I was excused by the dean. She told me that if I miss another class, I'm off the course. She doesn't care about me being excused by the dean.'' She told her TWO WEEKS ago that she would miss classes and was excused by the dean. Whoever says YDI probably is a douchebag proffessor like OP's.

For the prof to send a threatening e-mail, the student would have to already have a substantial amount of absences, excused or unexcused.

In this particular instance, you're covered. Dean trumps professor. However, a professor wouldn't be likely to threaten to drop you for absences unless you've made it a habit to cut class. Some professors don't care if all you show up for are tests, quizzes, and labs. Most don't care about one or two absences. Most won't dock points unless you've missed more than three classes. I doubt they'd threaten to outright drop you unless your tally is running close to the double digits. If the incident is from this semester, you've probably missed more classes than you've attended.

xY_Phobia 0

It's sad that other college students can't read. Look at the comment above you.

tomakobriefs 11

Yeah, if it was such a habit for you to be absent (your FML implied there were several), then I'm with your teacher. Play hookie less often. YDI.

you mean stop doing your field work because that's what the op was doing for 2weeks.

I'm also 'in university' at the moment. And I find it sad that you're an arrogant ass.

Jefe_fml 0

Why'd you take the class if you didn't have time for it? You're telling the professor that her class isn't worth attending?