By lex31 - 14/02/2012 13:24 - United States

Today, I received my first Valentine's day present ever: a dead mouse from my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 081
You deserved it 3 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Arisakentaro 0

don't feel bad almost every Christmas I get a dead bird from mine

**** you, your cat was trying to be loving and thoughtfull by bring a food treat " in the cats mind" to her master. if my cat did this for me, I would go out an buy him a fish.

it's not a's a warning!

juggal3tte 0

Your cat is trying to say, "I wish you were like this mouse."

lonewolfxxx 0

That is so sweet! You know they give it to you to show you that they love you, and because they want to receive praise for it. Pet them and tell them "good kitty, I love you too." That's what I do.

caleb865 0

this isn't f ur life it's f the Mouses life because mr sprinkles is a murderer