By Jersey girl - 08/12/2016 07:58 - United States - Miami

Today, I requested to have the next Sunday off of my job in retail. Not only did my boss say that we're not allowed to ask for weekends off anymore, but I also have to work on another weekend that I requested off. I guess I'm not going to my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 590
You deserved it 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't go to your sister's wedding, bring your sister's wedding to you. I'm sure your boss would deliver a lovely speech. "Marriage is like working retail. You can't ask for weekends off. And if you already asked for a weekend off, you can't have it anymore."

Talk to higher-ups? I wouldn't just accept this as fair, try to find a solution; best of luck!


ChiefKoala 30

You can't quit, even if it sucks. Unless you have another job lined up, you'll have to tough them out. I was in a bit of a pickle last December, where McDonald's had the audacity to tell me i could no longer ask off for christmas (when other people could). The ONLY reason i ever ask off for Christmas is because i have family that i am only able to see once a year, which is at christmas. I told them this, since it's likely they forgot, and they basically told me tough shit. So i did what any "sensible" 20 something young adult would do, and i turned in my two weeks notice. And i will tell you looking for a job when i didn't have one was super ******* hard. i have another job now, and I've actually had a manager of another store come to me and ask if i wanted a job there. Seriously, i know it sucks, but you have to tough it out. The phrase "It's a lot harder to get a job when you don't have one than to get one when you do" is literal.

mariri9206 32

Ironically, it was easier for me to get a job when I moved across the country and was unemployed than it was when I actually had a job. lol. The saying is usually true, though, just not for me. XD

Considering that half of marraiges fail, you can always just go to her next one. J/K, OP. This sucks. FYL indeed. Honestly, I'd tell my boss that my sister is getting married and that I'd like the day off. If the boss won't budge, I'd be looking for a new job. And not show up on the day of the wedding.

I feel for you. I work at Verizon and this happens quite often.

if they told me i couldnt go to a family members wedding id tell them to kiss my ass! job or no job.

This is standard for retail. Usually upon being hired, they tell retail workers that they can't request any time off in the month of December.

I think I would go anyway if you have a job when you get back awesome if not you were still able to be a part of your siblings big day

Realize the OP said they cant be off next weekend OR for the sisters wedding. Not that the wedding is next weekend.

I say go to the wedding. Family is always more important

Is it holiday black out dates because its retail?