By mister_pinky - 15/07/2014 22:04 - United States - Portland

Today, I returned to my teaching job at a local community college after surfing for the weekend. I'd got sunburned, one student immediately noticed and said to me, "Morning, Mr. Pinky!" Now they all do it. My students are assholes. I hate teaching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 471
You deserved it 8 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They probably mess with you because you can't take a joke. I personally love to mess with people who can't take a joke, and I'm sure others do as well

then don't teach as a career. they seem to be messing around all in good fun. you need a sense of humor to be a professor


You sound a lot like one of my professors...

Give them all extra homework for a month.

MrsFlowers 9

Ever heard of sunscreen? I hear it prevents something like that from happening..

nurchok 15

Hey kids, don't forget that I'm the one to mark your exams...

I would have said "Good morning Mr. Flunky".

squarecircles 13

Hey that's not so bad. At least it's not something worse like something that rhymes with pinky.

College professor....angry cause they didn't call you Dr. Pinky?

sandman2118 10

You know what I have noticed in my school years was when the teacher was less strict an more calm with the children, the children would be more calm an not fighting back. An the act that he gave you the nickname suggest he is comfortable with you an he thinks your a pretty cool dude! So don't take it so hard

You seem like the type of teacher who is overly serious about everything. i hate your kind...