By mister_pinky - 15/07/2014 22:04 - United States - Portland

Today, I returned to my teaching job at a local community college after surfing for the weekend. I'd got sunburned, one student immediately noticed and said to me, "Morning, Mr. Pinky!" Now they all do it. My students are assholes. I hate teaching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 471
You deserved it 8 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They probably mess with you because you can't take a joke. I personally love to mess with people who can't take a joke, and I'm sure others do as well

then don't teach as a career. they seem to be messing around all in good fun. you need a sense of humor to be a professor


skittyskatbrat 19

At this point... HAVE FUN WITH IT. :) Demand that they call you Sir Pinkerton the Fourth, put a pink panther picture up on the wall, very seriously tell them that now that your cover is blown and they know your code name, you'll have to "take steps"... enjoy it. YOU will have more fun, and they will have fun and develop respect for you. Instead of getting mad, get've got years more experience than they do, so show it off. I teach middle school. You have to have a sense of humor, because, well, young people from kindergarten to college are overflowing with it. Just be glad it ISN'T kindergarteners. Their idea of humor is really bad, incomplete knock-knock jokes.

SparksTheSadie 18

Fail them all. This will teach them a lesson.

One Pinky to bring the students together. and then bind them all!!!!! Mmwahhhhh!!!!

If you knew students were assholes and you became a teacher anyways (but now hate it), ydi because you knew better. If you did not realize students were assholes before you became a teacher, you were once an asshole student (because everybody else sees it), in which case ydi because karma is a bitch

hey at least they didn't call you Pinkman

"Mr. Pinky's gonna give you all detentions if you won't shut up and do your class work." Is what you should tell them

I tend to "make fun" of someone when I like them. It sounds like they like you, as a teacher or in general.

You get an F! And you get an F! Everyone gets an F!

The kids are just trying to have fun. Just joke around with it for a bit and it'll get old. They will stop eventually. My classmates and I did it with my 8th grade science teacher and though it was obvious he was annoyed, he just made the most of it.

MikeyLean 8

Well what do you expect it's a community college