By mister_pinky - 15/07/2014 22:04 - United States - Portland

Today, I returned to my teaching job at a local community college after surfing for the weekend. I'd got sunburned, one student immediately noticed and said to me, "Morning, Mr. Pinky!" Now they all do it. My students are assholes. I hate teaching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 471
You deserved it 8 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They probably mess with you because you can't take a joke. I personally love to mess with people who can't take a joke, and I'm sure others do as well

then don't teach as a career. they seem to be messing around all in good fun. you need a sense of humor to be a professor


Should have said something along the lines of "oh, that's cute did your girlfriend say that when she saw your package?"

It's a community college. College kids in general can be immature, but if they're going to community college, either they're short on money or being more frugal and working around that or they screwed around in high school and couldn't get in anywhere else. We know which ones your students are

Really? College kids have nothing better to comment on than someone's sunburn? More like F all their lives for being boring as hell.

The same thing we do every night, #131, try to take over the FML comments! Yes...

That means your pinky "and" the brain

Maybe don't be so sensitive? Students tend to mess around, and most likely are just joking with you, not being malicious. :)

Mr. Pinky I didn't know you came on here!