By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 16:30 - Sweden

Today, I saw a girl on the subway that I knew so I started waving frantically. She gave me a really weird expression and moved quickly away from me. Then I realised that I only knew her because I had stalked her Facebook once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 901
You deserved it 54 237

Same thing different taste


cheeksMcgeeks 3

I'm surprised she didn't like your waving. Maybe you should've thrown her a little friendly poke on the shoulder before you got off the subway.

I feel bad for the girl you stalked, but I don't feel anything but anger to you, OP. Here's the best way to avoid awkward confrontations such as this: DON'T STALK. Crazy, but it does the trick.

mashnikandporter 0

only if the men are attractive

Peytonlikesme 0

That's so not koolz!!! Sicko :p *blehh

beauty2646 0

And you're admitting this because?

smileysquid 0

.... i dont know how them being attractive would help if theres a possibility of them kidnapping you >.>