By ;_; - 19/12/2013 22:13 - Canada - Burlington

Today, I saw a guy in the street drawing caricatures, and I decided to pay him to do one of me. Being a caricature, I looked pretty monstrous in it. When I showed it to my mum later, she shuddered and said, "Yeah, looks just like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 904
You deserved it 4 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have a face only a mother.... Never mind.

HJKM_fml 19

Maybe she was just joking. Still I would talk to her and let her know those kind of comments bother you.


my mom bought one of me and my sister once, he really caught our flaws and big noses and what not :-( it is hanging in her kitchen fml.

Of course you have a huge nose, you're a giraffe.

Draw a picture of a hideous woman and tell your mom it's a caricature of her! Ha!

kellyem2 20

She probably didn't even look.

wow, not even a "only a face, a mother could love"

My mom messes with me like that sometimes. Unless you know she does this seriously I would let it go. If it becomes a pattern and it is really hurtful talk to her. My gut reaction says she was either being sarcastic or hoping you would laugh too. Sorry if it hurt your feelings op. I am sure you are beautiful.

There is no way a mother would say that out of seriousness...unless she's a real bitch...but still don't worry about just means you are monstrously pretty....

I used to draw quite a few "caricatures" of the boys who made my life miserable back in junior high school.