By thegirlofthedad - 29/01/2013 09:48 - India - Mumbai

Today, I saw a lady who had fainted. I ran over to help, only to find out that she was unstable and had a knife in her hand. She was pointing it at me, and growled threateningly every time I tried to move away. It took the cops an hour to defuse the situation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 679
You deserved it 2 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

This is quite possibly the most twisted FML I've seen for a long time.

wildsweetchild 19

There are too many crazy people around, but props to you for trying to help.


conqueror57 11

I don't understand. Unless she had you cornered, couldn't you just retreat backward? It's a knife not a gun; you have to be within arm distance for it to hurt you.

Knives can deadlier than guns, do not underestimate them. One stab into major artery will turn you into corpse, fast, but you can survive being shot multiple times. Bulletproof vests do not work against knives. Plus it is easier to hit you with a blade than it is to shoot you with a bullet.

Also "have to be at arm reach" what is the knife super glued to her hand? She could have easily thrown it if op ran

Oh god this is one of the only fmls that I've seen that isn't humorous. I hope you're alright dude

If that's what you get for trying to help out someone, i don't know what's wrong with society nowadays.

No good deed goes unpunished? I guess? EDIT: didn't see evils post.

AndOtherDrugs 5

Not dying after being in a situation where my life could have ended in just a few moments is a big bonus to me. I'd feel eternally more grateful after a situation like that.

That is why even as a physician I do not stop Unless working. If Im hurt- I cant help anyone else. Not to mention people are sue crazy.

guemarez 9
mrsromeo 4

I still don't see how so many people thought you deserved this.