By polish_chik - 01/09/2009 04:00 - Canada

Today, I saw a poor helpless cat in the middle of the road while driving. I pulled over and scooped it in my arms to bring it to safety. Not only did I get mauled and scratched by the cat, my car also wasn't put in park and rolled away hitting a parked car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 300
You deserved it 38 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That one could go either way. FYL for getting scratched but YDI for not parking the car.

DAMN! lol bad things happen to good people! :P



Damn! FYL to make you feel better?

i_is_a_tr00l 0

I have to fart. Pffffffffffft. Hehehe, excuse me(; *Blows towards person below me.*

Joborikos 0

how is it people forget to put their cars in park when they are getting out... its 2009 we know how to drive cars... get it together lol YDI.

so it wasn't a helpless cat and you found out who was the poor helpless ;)

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That obviously took you a long time to do. ........ umm what is it meant to be?


*facepalm*...don't worry dude, i get it...

one finger less and you got Homer Simpson TOH!!!!

Is it a trap?!?!? i the only one who really got this. :(

facepalm has been FUKKEN SAVED!!!(seriously) thank you good sir for making this!

Wankster 0

that's what you get for being a little pussy. Cats and dogs are nothing special, never stop or swirve to miss one. my life is more important than an animals.

Only way this could have been better is if your car rolled and killed a family of 5. Stupid ******* do-gooders. The road to hell is paved with the good intentions of dumbfucks like you.

But you got epic good karma points so it's worth it! :D Good things will come your way, regardless of the small setback. ^^/ You saved a life.