By Anonymous - 27/11/2013 16:28 - United States - Beachwood

Today, I saw my long-distance boyfriend for the first time in 8 months. He dumped me on the spot because I was "uglier" than he remembered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 024
You deserved it 9 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve better OP. He sounds like an ass

raininginseattle 9

Now he'll be your long distance douche bag.


So sorry you wasted eight months waiting to see that asshole.

If anyone is ugly, it's your ex-boyfriend.

I am so confused by your comment now because I'm trying to understand where the supposed pun is.

Don't mind him op. There are more decent gays ok there than him. You deserve better

laurieblue 1

so he dated you even though you are ugly, 8 months later BANG you're uglier than he remembers, hahahahaha i am so sorry, FYL. . .what a douche though

Her boyfriend's dick. She's now free of that. Don't go accusing people of not knowing something when in truth the joke was a little too subtle for your dumb ass. That's called ignorance.