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By WellThatWasRude - 25/05/2015 06:30 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I saw my uncle, whom I have not seen in five years, at a family gathering. His reaction to seeing me? "Holy SHIT you have BOOBS! The guys must be all over you!" I awkwardly replied, "No..." Then he muttered, "I know I would." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 324
You deserved it 2 447

WellThatWasRude tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. Thank you for all your comments and concerns about what happened. Regarding some previous comments, I would like to clarify a couple of things. My uncle has some mental health issues. I am not exactly sure what he has, but my parents tell me that he is on different types of medication. Also, my family was in the room when the comment was made. My mom shook her head in shame, but other than that, nothing else was said. This did not happen recently. It actually happened back in December 2014. I barely see my uncle, too. My dad apologized to me later for his inappropriate behavior. We all collectively decided to let it go because of his mental health state. I feel kind of bad because he most likely has no ulterior motives, but it was still a very uncomfortable situation, and my stomach still turns a little when I think about it. But thank you all again! And sorry for the super long comment.

Top comments

Sound like you might need to get your foot all over his nutsack, violently

He was either drunk or is a pervert.


Sound like you might need to get your foot all over his nutsack, violently

CODplayer4lyfe 24

Plot twist: pain turns him on

Those damn masochists always ruin plans

The family that plays together stays together.

The fact that a guy is saying this blows my mind. Chicks say it all the time cuz they don't truly understand the pain involved. Seriously, short of physically defending yourself against an attacker, this is never ******* warranted.

#67 except maybe when an older family member is publicly sexually harassing you. Let's be real, even a female in this situation would deserve a firm kick to the genitalia.

#67 That's also why I said "might", because getting kicked in the balls obviously hurts like **** and should be warranted. I didn't mean "oh he said something creepy, hit him now!" But I meant if there's further issues- or if he tried to act upon his sick fantasy with her. As a proud owner of testicles I wouldn't warrant random violence towards mine or others.

Yes, we wimminz sure don't understand pain. Nope, not at all.

He was either drunk or is a pervert.

lolhailsatan 23

think he's a pervert either way, I mean it's his niece

Maybe a little of column A a little of column B

Well they're from Wisconsin. Which we all know is in the Deep South equivalent of Canada [albeit in America] along with Montana and N Dakota.

He is not drunk or a pervert, just a priest.

watch out angry feminists are coming with their rape banners

she's got boobs... she's way past "pedo" territory...a pedo wouldn't want her

daisylokes 16

wow, that was inappropriate. i would stay away from him though. no uncle should be saying stuff like that...

#91 not true, girls can start developing breasts as pre-teens, let alone as teenagers. Sexual relations with anyone under age 18 would be considered pedophilia.

Pshht i bet you were beautiful five years ago and still are beautiful but i would be creeped out. Keep your head up OP and avoid all contact with that creepy uncle.

Where did OP say anything about not being beautiful?

That's not what she is saying. Her uncle was only noticing the parts of her he wanted to see and not the fact that she was already attractive even before.

Your uncle wouldn't happen to be Jamie Lannister would he?