By roadie42 - 25/05/2015 03:15 - United States - Farmington
roadie42 tells us more.
Hey, OP here! The vet was worried that he might have a concussion, so they gave him shots to prevent/reduce any swelling. I think he also received a sedative for the x-ray. Anyway, he's doing just fine now...back to his normal happy self. And he got some turkey in the end for his trouble :)
Top comments
Sounds like something i would do lol
I....wouldnt actually...never mind.
You were possessed.
Surprised it wasn't beggin strips lmfao Sorry OP vet bills are just as crazy priced as hospital
But did he get some turkey?
I know I'm a bad person for thinking this, but when I read "I had to race him to the vet" I though of OP saying "On your mark, get set, go!" And then literally racing his dog, while the dog is just laying there unconscious.
your comment is bad and you should feel bad
I even said at the beginning of the comment that it was bad.
Alright I'm not going to lie, after reading that I chuckled a bit. Still pretty terrible that you thought that though
I'm laughing really hard omg that's horrible
I don't understand why this got this many negative votes. Who doesn't like a bad joke?
You laughed or you didn't Missy! (Irish accent)
Me too it was funny
I would do the same if its for turkey. Sorry about the dog OP. Hope he will get well soon
Why would a dog need shots for this?
Assuming he regained consciousness at some point before the X-rays, he may have needed to be sedated for them.
If he didn't have proof that his dog was up to date on his rabies shot they'd have to give the dog another rabies shot before they could treat him. Happened to me with a dog I was given.
Hey, OP here! The vet was worried that he might have a concussion, so they gave him shots to prevent/reduce any swelling. I think he also received a sedative for the x-ray. Anyway, he's doing just fine now...back to his normal happy self. And he got some turkey in the end for his trouble :)
Glad to here he's OK op, some people might not have been so nice to him
Glad he's okay, OP!
I'm glad he is ok. You can re-train him to be calm when he smells something good in the kitchen. When he comes in, have a treat ready. Hold it next to your eye so he is looking at you, tell him to sit or lay down (or any other command). When he is calm, give him the treat or put it in his dish (my preference, but not necessary).
What kind of dog do you have?
Op my puppy died from boxer syndrome. He went blind in his old age and kept running in to things. Just keep an eye on the poor dog ok?
get pet insurance. Healthy paws is an awesome company.
That was the plan all along...
So...your dog is a pug now
Congrats... my dog wont even come and see me if I have bacon in hand.
But Turkey is sooo good! Just be thankful he's ok though. Good pet parent
#11 You are the reason why we can't have nice things. That was bad and you should feel bad.
Awe I found this funny! XD

Why would a dog need shots for this?
Congrats... my dog wont even come and see me if I have bacon in hand.