By WellThatWasRude - 25/05/2015 06:30 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I saw my uncle, whom I have not seen in five years, at a family gathering. His reaction to seeing me? "Holy SHIT you have BOOBS! The guys must be all over you!" I awkwardly replied, "No..." Then he muttered, "I know I would." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 322
You deserved it 2 446

WellThatWasRude tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. Thank you for all your comments and concerns about what happened. Regarding some previous comments, I would like to clarify a couple of things. My uncle has some mental health issues. I am not exactly sure what he has, but my parents tell me that he is on different types of medication. Also, my family was in the room when the comment was made. My mom shook her head in shame, but other than that, nothing else was said. This did not happen recently. It actually happened back in December 2014. I barely see my uncle, too. My dad apologized to me later for his inappropriate behavior. We all collectively decided to let it go because of his mental health state. I feel kind of bad because he most likely has no ulterior motives, but it was still a very uncomfortable situation, and my stomach still turns a little when I think about it. But thank you all again! And sorry for the super long comment.

Top comments

Sound like you might need to get your foot all over his nutsack, violently

He was either drunk or is a pervert.


Eeeeeewwww. Creepy uncle is creeeeepy.

A knee to the groin if he gets too close OP.

Tell your parents. This guy sounds like a creep

Make sure you're never anywhere with him by yourself. Most sexual crimes are committed by someone the victim knows...

Woh. I think I'd stay away from him if I were you! Unless he was joking.. Though I don't understand why he'd make such a lewd joke.

Hi guys, OP here. Thank you for all your comments and concerns about what happened. Regarding some previous comments, I would like to clarify a couple of things. My uncle has some mental health issues. I am not exactly sure what he has, but my parents tell me that he is on different types of medication. Also, my family was in the room when the comment was made. My mom shook her head in shame, but other than that, nothing else was said. This did not happen recently. It actually happened back in December 2014. I barely see my uncle, too. My dad apologized to me later for his inappropriate behavior. We all collectively decided to let it go because of his mental health state. I feel kind of bad because he most likely has no ulterior motives, but it was still a very uncomfortable situation, and my stomach still turns a little when I think about it. But thank you all again! And sorry for the super long comment.

No need to apogize for the long comment. Most everyone here would agree they like the long follow ups because it gives us more of the story! Sorry about the awkward situation Op. Hopefully you can just chalk the comment up to the state of his mental health.

Its good to know that your uncle has no bad motives

Jwaye2 7

I dont think its as bad as everyone thinks. Definately came out innapropriate but it seems he had the right intensions just didnt use the right words. Nothing wrong with telling a sibbling or family member they look good but there is a right and wrong way to say it.

Being in Wisconsin I am just wondering if you're anywhere near onalaska?

No need to apologize. Follow up is always good, especially in cases where some of us worry about the OP.

of only my reaction could be posted... op thats unfortunate.. good for you being understanding of the mentally ill.

This has nothing to do with mental health issues. Mental health issues don't make people say inappropriate things.

MzZombicidal 36

#137 You don't seem to know much about mental issues. Yes, mental issues can lead to people saying inappropriate things. For example, people with Autism can have trouble knowing what's socially appropriate, which can lead to saying things that are inappropriate. People with dementia, like Alzheimer's have trouble understanding what's inappropriate as well.

69, for someone who is "fairly confident" you are terribly mistaken. So if a random guy grabs a girl and tries to **** her (even vice versa), it's not sexual harassment because she doesn't "work for him"? I hope you see how much your logic is flawed.

@89 That's not sexual harassment, that's attempted rape... Harassment is innuendo, excessive flirting, snide comments, pestering, etc.

Really a tough situation. I wouldn't blame you for avoiding all future reunions. Unfortunately, your uncle will one day say something like this again in a situation where he won't have compassionate family present and he's gonna come out of it maimed or worse.