By downgirl - 04/11/2015 06:02 - United States - Norman

Today, I saw the pumpkin I had put out for Halloween was starting to get mushy. I went to put it in a trash bag when it slipped out of my hands and burst over my knee. My dog heard the noise, ran into the kitchen and attacked me out of panic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 216
You deserved it 2 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like its probably a chihuahua or other small breed. They tend to attack when they panic more than larger breeds. Sounds like you have some training to do either way.

I feel like if you're dog attacks you over a pumpkin breaking over you're knee, you didn't train it very well. So I don't have sympathy because a good dog that's trained right won't attack you.


I used to be a good dog owner, then I took a pumpkin to the knee.

Jwaye2 7

Thank you. You made my morning

I think doggy Boot Camp is in order, because your own dog should not attack you. It makes for a very unstable situation

You have, what I like to call, a dumb dog. Get a smarter breed next time.

You should probably get a new dog. Yours sounds kinda neurotic.

Shartie 16

That dog needs putting down before it attacks a child

Oh wow...I really hope you're joking about that. Animals can be trained, you know. And animals also don't attack for no reason, either.

Shartie 16

Not joking. Whether animals can be trained or not is irrelevant - this dog is clearly not and has attacked. What if it was a child that had dropped it? And that's absolutely not true. Animals do attack for no reason sometimes - or certainly no reason a human could comprehend. Lots of adults and children are mauled and/or killed by dangerous dogs who have irresponsible owners.

Le_ponderer 14

Seems like you need to call the Dog Whisperer to sort out you mutt.

Next, you'll wake up to find a burglar in your house, and your dog helping them stuff their bags.