By downgirl - 04/11/2015 06:02 - United States - Norman
Same thing different taste
By coloris - 03/08/2019 00:01
By Anonymous - 09/08/2018 20:30
By idiot - 19/11/2016 06:48 - United States - Wausau
Adding insult to injury
By Fly my pretty, FLY! - 25/09/2023 02:00 - Philippines - Makati City
By Anonymous - 10/12/2009 11:47 - United Kingdom
By simple living - 29/04/2015 02:43 - United States - Austin
By mraow123 - 30/05/2009 05:04 - United States
By Dweeb - 02/10/2019 18:00
By Anonymous - 05/10/2023 04:00
Halloween (slight return)
By fuck you and that stupid mutt - 02/11/2021 08:00
Top comments
You mushed have not been careful enough
*clears throat* Today, I saw the pumpkin I had put out for Halloween was starting to get mushy. I went to put it in a trash bag when it slipped out of my hands and burst over my knee. My dog heard the noise, ran into the kitchen and attacked me out of panic. FML
*applause from crowd*
Stupid ass
21, Calm down please.
21, If a donkey was able to comment in FML I'd think it would be a very intelligent one.
I feel like if you're dog attacks you over a pumpkin breaking over you're knee, you didn't train it very well. So I don't have sympathy because a good dog that's trained right won't attack you.
Maybe it was trying to defend OP by killing the smushy orange beast.
dogs trained/untrained don't attack owners, it must have been trying to remove her from the scene.
maybe op recently adopted the dog and is still training them. even if not, op still doesn't deserve to get attacked by a dog.
your dog*
Dang 15 and I'm usually really good with grammar! And to everyone else, I suppose they could still be training it, but even an untrained dog shouldn't attack the owner. And I kinda doubt the dog would be trying to get op out of the scene, with all of my dogs they would have attacked the remains of the pumpkin. Although I could be wrong, I'm not a dog phycologist
*psychologist hehe
Well, at least your dog is protective enough, you can sleep safe at night. Just train him not to panic at every loud noise in the house.
It's probably not very protective if the owner is the one attacked, that sounds more like aggression to me.
I wouldn't know, never owned a dog in my life. Guess I thought wrong.
I wouldn't have a dog that would attack me because it was panicking. I would get rid of it but that's just me.
Is that how you deal with the rest of your problems? Just out of curiosity.. If your child misbehaved do you just get rid of it? If you the owner/trainer can't be responsible for something you took upon yourself to watch over and love you shouldn't have gotten it in the first place.. That just applies overall in life; perhaps I'm over reacting to your statement but that's what I got from it.
I feel like its probably a chihuahua or other small breed. They tend to attack when they panic more than larger breeds. Sounds like you have some training to do either way.
I agree chihuahuas are very aggressive when they feel threatened.
Why would you bring the mushy pumpkin inside instead of bringing a trash bag outside?
It's possible the pumpkin was out the front and the only way to get to the back bin is through the house, or some similar scenario
A dog shouldn't be panicking over a sound like that, not to the extent that it attacks it's owner. Sounds like you and your dog really need some training courses.

I feel like its probably a chihuahua or other small breed. They tend to attack when they panic more than larger breeds. Sounds like you have some training to do either way.
I feel like if you're dog attacks you over a pumpkin breaking over you're knee, you didn't train it very well. So I don't have sympathy because a good dog that's trained right won't attack you.