By Jesus - 27/09/2011 02:03 - Canada

Today, I saw what I thought was a spider. Wanting to kill it as quickly as possible, I smacked my hand against the wall with force. It was a nail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 259
You deserved it 31 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you kill it with your bare hands?!

How does someone mistake a sharp pointed object with an 8 legged arachnid. You are not the sharpest tool in the shed, although a hammer might have been nice.


I do that, unless there big, then I use a tissue to get it and flush it

This was supposed to be a comment to #1 I think I meant to say they're also

Lol that seriously sucks. Shit happens. Get well soon.

Magic1 9

Oh yeah, the spiders in my house look like nails too

Why does everyone kill spiders?! YDI for thinking that to be wise even if it were real...

Nails doesn't have 8 legs. Are you partially blind?

You notice a spider by counting the number of its legs? Good luck with the centipede.