By Jesus - 27/09/2011 02:03 - Canada

Today, I saw what I thought was a spider. Wanting to kill it as quickly as possible, I smacked my hand against the wall with force. It was a nail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 262
You deserved it 32 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you kill it with your bare hands?!

How does someone mistake a sharp pointed object with an 8 legged arachnid. You are not the sharpest tool in the shed, although a hammer might have been nice.


Please stop defending your stupidity. You're making it worse.

I'm confused! Jesus is Canadian? What a hoser!

XD read midnight's profile. She herself live in the US and calls herself "intelligent" *sarcastic* I like her IQ

Ironic, right? Haha. She's also "witty" and yet I've seen very little wit in her replies.

marpay 11

I slam them with shoes. Must squish spiders to protect the world!

Istalkrexgar2000_fml 0

1- That was the first thing I thought after reading this!

I admit to doing that too. Or, if outside, I set the bitches on fire.

Joshoa123 16

Friendly neighborhood spidernail.

I do what OP does occasionally, but only against flies and spiders (no better feeling than punching a fly on the wall so powerfully it drops dead to the floor as soon as your fist leaves the wall, but so skillfully that its still fully intact and not smashed at all). Obviously I wash my hands afterward, and I first make sure that the thing is an ACTUAL ******* MOVING INSECT OR ARACHNID!

I do that too, although once, a spider squished all over my hand, it was very gross!! I washed my hands about 4 times