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By Anonymous - 18/01/2017 10:00

Today, I shaved my lady bits for the first time to surprise my husband, who I haven't seen in months due to deployment. I ended up with razor burn and my dim-witted husband believes I cheated on him and that it's an STD. Nothing will tell him otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 754
You deserved it 1 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

<p>It is quick and easy, and it's always a good idea to get tested, but it doesn't solve the problem that OP's husband apparently has zero trust towards them.</p>

kaysheik 16

Why not go get an STD check to show him it's nothing? It's quick and easy


kaysheik 16

Why not go get an STD check to show him it's nothing? It's quick and easy

<p>It is quick and easy, and it's always a good idea to get tested, but it doesn't solve the problem that OP's husband apparently has zero trust towards them.</p>

As a military man myself, you would be surprised of the amount of wives and girlfriends that cheat on their SO while deployed. A friend of mine's wife didn't even last 3 weeks before she cheated on him. It happens, but like the others are saying, get an STD test to prove otherwise. That's the smartest thing to do.

cheshireau 26

She shouldn't have too. He should trust her. If she wants to show him evidence of razor burn, google images would have tonnes.

In the husband's defense you'll be surprised how many women think it's okay to cheat if their husbands are deployed.

While I agree the husband should be trusting, if the wife really is faithful (I'm sure she is) then getting a test should be no problem, and it's never going to be a bad idea to get tested. If there's something that looked suspicious, a test could set everyone's mind's at ease.

<p>yeah! And tomorrow when you sneeze funny and he thinks its an STD, you'll be back at the clinic. And when you shave your leg and get a nic, he will take you back to the doctor to prove its not TWO STDs. What a lovely marriage!</p>

Did you actually go to a doctor to get tested with your husband with you at all times?

<p>i hope she didn't, since it would only be invalidating his mental illness</p>

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I think your the one who got OP's gender mixed up. No where does it imply that lady bits means a dick. From the context and usage of the word, her gender is implied as female.

Am I'm missing something here, how is OP mixing up the gender? Where does it say that OP is a male?

The image in the corner of the post says the OP is male

The icon by the user name is the male icon. I believe that's what the original commenter is referring to.

cheshireau 26

I think OP is referring to the little icon that usually has a bob hair cut for a lady. This one doesn't.

<p>Guys it's pretty clear Solano is referring to the gender identifier below the story, not the text of the story itself.</p>

<p>there's an icon under the post that shows the gender of the poster.&nbsp;</p>

The app is all screwed up right now. I posted one a few weeks back, it was posted pretty recently referring to getting an IUD and it gendered me as male which is literally impossible.


<p>And he didn't notice all the missing hair?...&nbsp;</p>

That's why you should've saved your pubic hair and shown I to him as proof! Next time, OP.

I wonder why the genders have been switched lately? Most of the time it doesn't matter, but I've never heard a man refer to his privates as "lady bits." And also (prepare for minor rant) I'm a little disheartened by the addition of advertisements to the app. I know, why waste an opportunity for effortless money? But I've been using the app for 7 years and the ease of access and use is one of things that made this website a go-to for me. And I went most of that time without leaving a comment, bec

TabooSushi 24

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Right. TabooSushi, part of the reason I never commented is because of all the condescending dicks on here. Instead of simply agreeing, or disagreeing, you tell me to stop whining. And I agree with the man above, no idea how to get the paid version. It used to be in the App Store, this is the only one I can find. And I'm not talking about the ads at the bottom of your screen, I'm talking about the unskippable 30 second shit when you open it. So hand-in-hand with the increasingly shit community an

I paid for the app years ago. Now I just have to put up with ads again. What a waste of money. The worst ads are the long ones that pop up when you open the app, and it won't let you skip it. When it finally comes to a close, the exit button is so ******* small that 9.5 times out of 10 it will take you to the App Store or the website for whatever ad you were shown. Pisses me off.

And I'm in the same boat as sohigh, taboosushi. No idea how to get the full version. I know there used to be a paid version on the App Store. But I can't find it for the life of me.

sohigh10 34

How do I even do that, there's no straightforward way to pay to get rid of the ads. I contacted the developers twice and they basically told me to suck it up and deal with it because they didn't have that option.

Right. As I was saying, because I was scared of being judged by condescending pricks. And this site has oh, so many. Well, maybe that is just the internet. But still, I hate how I can't leave a thought without somebody picking it apart, and assuming I'm a moron. So between the declining quality of the app, and the increasingly shit community, I think it might be about time to move on to something else.

There's been ads on the app for at least two years now, but they're getting more and more invasive. Opening the app store, 20 second videos to buy glasses, and even creating shortcuts on your home screen to their website. The android app is also messed up at the moment, I'm seeing comment numbers as the total comment number (70,000 etc) rather than 1 or 2, the ratings disappear if you rate a comment and comments get cut off. They used to answer feedback emails but not anymore.

Yeah, I know the ads have been around for ages. Maybe I should've specified. It's the ads that lock you into a video that are annoying. And as I type, I am coming to realize how little it matters altogether. Well, that's my input, anyway. Do with it what you will. And have a lovely day

Yeah, I know the ads have been on here for some time. Maybe I should've specified, I don't care about the banners dotted around. It's the ads that lock you into a video as soon as you open the app that are annoying. But, as I type I am coming to realize how little it matters altogether. Well, I'll leave it at that, then. Have a lovely day.

Yeah, I know the ads have been on here for some time. Maybe I should've specified, I don't care about the banners dotted around. It's the ads that lock you into a video as soon as you open the app that are annoying. But, as I type I am coming to realize how little it matters altogether. Well, I'll leave it at that, then. Have a lovely day.

Yeah, I know the ads have been on here for some time. Maybe I should've specified, I don't care about the banners dotted around. It's the ads that lock you into a video as soon as you open the app that are annoying. But, as I type I am coming to realize how little it matters altogether. Well, I'll leave it at that, then. Have a lovely day.

Yeah, I know the ads have been on here for some time. Maybe I should've specified, I don't care about the banners dotted around. It's the ads that lock you into a video as soon as you open the app that are annoying. But, as I type I am coming to realize how little it matters altogether. Well, I'll leave it at that, then. Have a lovely day.

<p>Seems to me that he protests too much, like maybe he's had experience looking for STD's? &nbsp;I hope I am wrong, but my bet is this dude been doing it.</p>

<p>Its obvious none of you have had the military experience. Some military spouses do cheat when we deploy out and you hear so many horror stories so no matter what any of you think its a legitimate concern but op just go get the test on base at the tmc should suffice.</p>

hisbabyss10 0

I was thinking the same exact thing. Spouses cheating when their husband/wife is gone happens on a regular basis. He does have reason to be concerned...

<p>I wonder how much more likely a spouse is to cheat if their idiotic husband doesn't understand what razor bumps are? &nbsp;Must be pretty hard to get aroused by a man-child outwitted by a $1 razor...</p>

No, it isn't a legitimate concern, just because a lot of other people cheat, doesn't give you a right to be a paranoid, accusatory jerk. Especially without any real hard evidence, going around making false accusations is a good way to ruin your relationship. And this situation is just plain common sense, no hair, irritation, the most logical conclusion is it would be razor burn.

Yes, it is a legitimate concern for military members to think the worst after knowing what has happened to others. We even have some on this board confirm it.

Out of curiously have you ever served in the military? Those guys/girls can work over 36 hour shifts at a time with maybe 1 Sunday off every month. When you don't see sunlight for months at a time it's easy to be a little dreary of the outside world. I'm not saying to be worried about it and they have the right too, but cut him a little slack.

<p>&nbsp;After any kind of separation it's normal to be a little out of sorts, and the military can cause extra anxiety, but I fail to see how that's the spouse's fault that her husband is being unfair. &nbsp;Some soldiers cheat while they're on deployment too. &nbsp;Should she make him get tested to prove that he didn't? &nbsp;Good for the goose, good for the gander, after all. &nbsp;</p>

So because "some" people do that, that means the lack of trust is okay? That just means everyone does? Get out of here with your bs. Yes, it explains a little bit of why OP's husband is worried, but it doesn't necessarily excuse his lack of faith in her. Healthy relationships require trust, and if OP's husband refuses to even listen to reason, I think that's a pretty big red flag.

<p>Suuuure....if you were gone for months and come back to your husband all shaved when he never shaved before for you, you wouldnt get suspicious? And then you see bumps? nah get tested, he's been gone too long and you changed your habits while he was gone so yeah</p>

No, I wouldn't be suspicious. Then again, I have a healthy relationship built on love and trust, and I'm damn well not going to accuse him of cheating without hard evidence, (which this is not), ex)pics, texts, recordings. If I came home to him shaved, I would think just that, he just changed his habits. I'm also smart enough to know what razor burn looks like and that no STI looks like it.

species4872 19

<p>&nbsp;Lady bits.... sounds like an add on for the standard model.</p>