By Anonymous - 18/01/2017 10:00

Today, I shaved my lady bits for the first time to surprise my husband, who I haven't seen in months due to deployment. I ended up with razor burn and my dim-witted husband believes I cheated on him and that it's an STD. Nothing will tell him otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 751
You deserved it 1 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

<p>It is quick and easy, and it's always a good idea to get tested, but it doesn't solve the problem that OP's husband apparently has zero trust towards them.</p>

kaysheik 16

Why not go get an STD check to show him it's nothing? It's quick and easy


I hate to say it sweet cheeks but, um, way to go, dumbass.

onceuponatime456 16

<p>HE cheated on YOU while he was on deployment!!</p>

dietcoke09 25

Most military spouses cheat or get cheated on while on deployment. I can see where he's coming from but there should be some trust. Olive oil definitely helps moisturize the skin down there! It should be gone in a day or two.

usnwife 18

No, not "most". Some, yes, but not most. And that alone is never an excuse to not trust someone

dietcoke09 25

Actually most do. And I mentioned that trust is important. I can name 10 married army couples in my age group that I know personally that are in a separation process because of cheating while on deployment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No actually it is most. Having been in the military and having lots of military friends is not just some. It's a lot. I've seen it way too often.

xoxoblondee 31

wait this is my FML! I don't know why it didn't link to my account. I can tell you that I do have lady bits, as I am a lady. I did go get it checked (and had him get checked too, which he took at me not trusting him and that was a whole other battle). We were both clean, so that was good. I did waste shaving as it all grew back by the time we got results. After a bit, we tried shaving again and I did MUCH better. no razor burn, no STDs, and finally we had sex. Thanks everyone!

I would still sit down and have a serious discussion with him as to why he was so reluctant to trust you. Even if it's not relationship-ruining, it's still a fairly significant issue that he wouldn't let you explain. It's worth sitting down and talking about, if nothing else.

<p>Get yourself a nice sharp new razor and a nice sharp new husband while you're at it.&nbsp;</p>

player69badboy 0

Go out and get an std - that way he will get what he deserves

As far as I'm aware, no STD looks like razor burn.

<p>Sorry, but your husband is a moron.</p>

<p>Sorry, but your husband is a moron.</p>

My question is why is this your first time shaving your "lady bits" at an age to already be married?