By SkottLong - 10/03/2015 06:19 - United States - Logan

Today, I showed my father a nice sweatshirt online, hoping he would take the hint and get it for me. He did, three sizes larger than mine, for himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 321
You deserved it 8 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xapocxbiggunx 4

Why not just ask him to buy it?

1dvs_bstd 41

Why do people always expect other people to read their minds? Like they have a gift of clairvoyance.. pffft


he got the hint and the sweat shirt...

Or you know, pay attention to context and timing. Communication is a two-way street and paying attention is all you really need.

Hahaha you should've just told him you want it

If you really want the sweater you could just buy it for yourself...

TomeDr 24

Learn this now: many men do NOT take hints. Best to tell him outright what you want.

graphicstyle7 17

In many books about relationships, not just romance, but any relationship, it's said over and over that HINTS are a BAD way to communicate with people, unless you're playing a game of charades. Don't hint, ask. You will avoid a LOT of grief, trust me.

A lot of people won't pick up on hints and need to just be asked. They won't suddenly be more inclined to buy it for you just because you hinted at it.

90% of the time I fail to get hints. The other 10% I ignore them. Either talk to me or don't. Playing mind games means that you don't have anything important to say.