By SkottLong - 10/03/2015 06:19 - United States - Logan

Today, I showed my father a nice sweatshirt online, hoping he would take the hint and get it for me. He did, three sizes larger than mine, for himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 321
You deserved it 8 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xapocxbiggunx 4

Why not just ask him to buy it?

1dvs_bstd 41

Why do people always expect other people to read their minds? Like they have a gift of clairvoyance.. pffft


Haha, looks like he got too into it he forgot about your subtle move.

Maybe you could try buying it yourself or use your words?

Goblin182 26

Since your Dad bought a sweater that you wanted fro yourself I am assuming you are a guy also. YDI, you should know, guys don't get hints.

TallMist 32

Or they sell guys' versions of the same clothes or the Dad is a crossdresser.

Cozy_Blanket 16

Maybe your dad likes your sense of style, and figured if you liked it then it must be cool so he bought one for himself!

YDI. Sorry, but you should know something about most men, we don't take hints. Just straight up ask us for something!

Jethco 15

That's what you get for hinting.

YDI for expecting him to take your cryptic hints