By Fibericon - 17/08/2009 20:02 - Taiwan

Today, I showed up at work and a coworker pointed a gun at me. After twisting his arm and leveling his face into the wall, I found out it was a lighter. Now I might lose my job over his stupid joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 052
You deserved it 5 465

Fibericon tells us more.

Wow, didn't expect this many comments. I talked to my boss about it today. The coworker had actually lodged a complaint, but conveniently forgot to mention the whole thing about a lighter that looks like a gun. He doesn't work there anymore. The main reason I thought I was going to lose my job was that he had worked there for a lot longer than I had. I've been there less than a year. I was worried that he could have said anything he wanted and I'd end up with the shit end of the stick just because I was new. As for whether or not I over reacted, maybe I could have taken a moment to analyze the situation, but it's not like he was trying to take my wallet or telling me to do anything. He silently pointed a "gun" at me. The last time I spoke to him I had said to him was that his English sucked and he shouldn't be teaching (I work at an ESL institute). The next time I saw him, gun in the face. I asked a cop friend from the states about it, he said if someone pointed that at him they'd get shot.

Top comments

Lose your job over it? He should lose his job for pulling such an immature prank at work.

Don't listen to anyone telling you that you deserve it. They just think they could react calmly in a situation like it's some sort of movie where they can dodge a bullet and face danger down, maybe throw in a cool line like Dirty Harry telling the guy about the gun he's holding and tell him something like, "You couldn't hit a, etcetera." He pulled something out on you like it was a gun. It was shaped like a gun. Guns come in all sizes - some smaller than a credit card. Just tell your co-worker and boss that you have no hard feelings, and at the end of the day, he's the one with the bruised body.


I'm currently wondering why you would get fired.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Penis. I suppose that it's not a bad word. Some would disagree. Y'all should go to :D

You have a lawsuit against the company if you are fired. I'm sure there is something in your employee handbook about weapons and not bringing them in to work. Find it. I would also see if you can get an attorney to give you advice concerning a suit against your colleague if you do lose your job. You were in fear of your life and acted in self-defense. What if he actually had had a weapon? Is he supposed to shoot you dead so you can keep your job? Bull! This could be actionable in the right state.

Just go to Thailand and get a scene in the next Tony Jaa movie!

Dreika 0

That is crap, your coworker is a jackass and should be were acting how ANY person would with what they assumed was a real pistol in their face! I would call a lawyer over this one. What type of moron points anything that resembles a gun in someone's face!!!

seriously, you shouldn't be fired because of that. that was self-defense. i agree with the people above- you should get a lawyer if they're really considering firing you.

l33tm0nk3y 0

If your boss has a shred of common sense he should realize you were well within your rights. What was your coworker thinking pulling a stunt like that at work anyway?

That's pretty much assault (threat of injury), so you were well within your rights to self-defense... The other guy totally deserved getting laid out for that. You don't screw around with guns like that, real or not (even BB guns).

crap this isn't posting where i want it to

I doubt you'd be the one to lose your job, unless he said "Look at my lighter". Well done for sticking up for yourself, would have loved to have seen his face.