By SetoAyumi - 15/11/2011 08:40 - United States
Same thing different taste
By IJustWantedCheez - 27/09/2016 17:37 - United States - San Antonio
By Sara - 03/10/2012 03:33 - United States - Manassas
By uncleaning - 22/07/2009 23:03 - United States
All over cheese?
By Anonymous - 29/03/2022 01:00 - Bulgaria - Sofia
Channeling Gordon Ramsay
By ThisIsGonnaBeALongFewDays - 13/02/2023 22:00
By Anonymous - 19/11/2024 16:00 - United States - Tuckerton
By godzilllla - 08/08/2015 01:59 - United States - Bothell
By TheFriskyBadger - 12/07/2016 23:57
By YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK THE CUSTOMER - 20/07/2013 17:47 - United States - Sherwood
By roomatewoes - 01/04/2013 00:45 - United States - Northfield
Top comments
That was bad..
^^^ grammar Nazi :b
Well, do you like chesse???
What's chesse?
Its this thing.. Its super chessy!!
Tell her to go f**k herself and she isn't welcome in you abode. Tell her to go back to her cheesy ass place
Don't you mean "chessy"??
Hey 78, are u the guy who works the graveyard shift and tried to pepper spray their boss through a window because they were wearing a scream mask?
1- SlyFoxHound FTW :D
78, callate la pinche voca.. And you had gotten "of" work? Don't you mean off? Whats your excuse this time? Your ass still doing the slow clap so you are typing with your feet??
^^ damn its Hitler himself.
93 You mad bro? And again buey, I'm OFF by one letter. Oooh are you melting, ahh **** the poor the grammar nazi non-existent life, sorrrry if I don't reply right away I'm not on fml 24/7. I'd do have a life and btw I like to see how punk ass writes after being awake for more than 20 hrs.
97- The "I'd" and the "I" in the last sentence should be switched... ;P
You comments have so many grammar mistakes I can't even understand them. Did you drop out of elementary school or something?
Haha good eye 105. I feel like I've made that mistake before :/
That was halarious!
Funny as hell mate!
Gouda one
I would of said get ur own cheese assortment
WTF moment...I can imagine this scene as a Japanese cheese commercial.
That bleu my mind
At least she didn't Swiss the channels in your tv!
No, 14, your sense of humor is just moldy.
Neighbors.. gotta love em.
Ydi for letting her in your house
Tell her to take her cheap ass to the store n get her own
just like Cheezus said.
I can make a cheesy one liner about this, but I'd rather not...
You're doing well today.
Can someone tell me if my comment (#5) is still there? I cant see it.
Why does OPs neighbor think she's allowed out of the kitchen?
My good sir, your on a roll… like cheese. I 'll just stop and leave all the jokes to you.
F*ck ya
F*ck ya
I can't believe how selfish you are. Didn't your mother teach you to ALWAYS have an assortment of cheeses on hand for such occasions? Sheesh.
The last word, I see what you did there.
The last word, I see what you did there.
Brie is a staple in every household; or at least colby jack! Don't you know that?? Or the gouda one!
Insert Cheesey Joke Here
I don't think the OP let her in. The OP probably made her wait outside while they got the cheese. Other then that if you see her again asking for something don't open the door.
*wait outside Stupid edit didn't work Edit: never mind my phone was being stupid.
Well by definition he didn't "let" her in to begin with. She just walked through the door.
that's not gouda!
This is a Gouda FML. The neighbor sounds like a real Muenster and I'm sure she was Bleu about the lack of cheese.
That doesn't make sense if you know how to pronounce Gouda :p. Nice try though
That's not a very gouda situation. You have to brie calm about these things. Why'd 'chedder in the door in the first place if she's a total munster?
Y you no love me long time

I can't believe how selfish you are. Didn't your mother teach you to ALWAYS have an assortment of cheeses on hand for such occasions? Sheesh.
I can make a cheesy one liner about this, but I'd rather not...