By Don’t Think About It. - 26/08/2019 16:00

Today, I smacked a big mosquito that had landed on my leg. My boyfriend then said to me, "I wonder if their mouth snaps off when you slap them, and now it’s stuck in your skin." Thanks. Thanks a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 410
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"That's more mouth action down there than I get from you, Bucko!"

kujiens101 24

I assume it’s like a splinter. Your skin cells degrade it until it falls out.


"That's more mouth action down there than I get from you, Bucko!"

samomaha 17

Well, your boyfriend is right, so . . . yeah.

kujiens101 24

I assume it’s like a splinter. Your skin cells degrade it until it falls out.

You're fine. I have lived (among other places) in New Hampshire and Florida a combined total of 40 years. If embedded mosquito probosces (?) never degraded, I'd be a human pincushion by now.