By anonymous - 13/01/2012 05:05 - Canada

Today, I sold my Xbox and Kinect to a guy. I forgot that sometimes I'd play Dance Central naked, and the Kinect would make videos. This guy now has videos of me, naked, badly dancing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 309
You deserved it 52 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hope you had enough worm to make it dance ;)

xFullMoonHeartx 7

You can turn off the photo feature. And you should have cleared your hard drive. Dumb ass

Hopefully you're a Chippendale and he gave it to his GF!

I would call you a dumbass, bit I have been guilty of selling a cell phone with naked pics of a now ex girlfriend. Those pics are on the internet now.... wanna guess why we broke up?

Bullheard 0
hateevryone 14

uh oh. i hope he don't post them on youtube.