By fucking pissants - 13/07/2012 19:08 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
What's the deal with handbags?
By Clumsy - 18/03/2022 02:00
By Anonymous - 18/04/2013 04:00 - United States - New York
By Anonymous - 14/12/2010 04:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 12:49 - Canada
By Unhelpful - 07/02/2012 04:27 - United States
Cash me?
By Anonymous - 02/09/2019 11:00 - Canada - Lakeville
By foreversingle - 30/06/2013 18:09 - Netherlands - Helmond
Money ain't a problem when you've got it
By Anonymous - 07/10/2011 19:02 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 13/01/2011 23:00 - United States
By maleficunt - 03/06/2014 20:44 - United Kingdom - Cannock
Top comments
Hon, I feel your pain. I am stuck with a girl who constantly talks. About her clothes, how she's so athletic, how she has guys falling for her all the time; she literally cannot shut up. She has no brain whatsoever, and she stalked one of my good friends. He had to move to Arkansas to get away from her. Worse, 1.She believes that I am jealous of her, and 2. That I'm one of her BFF's. The temptation to just slap her and tell her all the words that I think about her is incredibly difficult to resist. And my mum wants me to be friends with her. /)_-
haha pissants..... such a British word :P
What a bitch!
Sounds like teenage Paris Hilton
Kidnap her, put her in a hole, and tell her to put the lotion in a basket.... Sorry, I had to make that reference, don't actually do it.
Should have asked her a question to make her feel stupid.
maybe u shuldve gone to college? and then make more than minimum wage and not have to resort to bitching on this website for pity and simply have told her she was rude? infinite options yet u go for the easiest most basic one that needs the lowest level of intelligemce to execute.
Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe the OP was currently enrolled in school at the time this story was written?

Throat punch.
Yes, but you get to laugh behind their back because the £100 lotion is really worth less than a pile of dog shit, and they don't know what the **** they are doing.